Terawatt - a great global LED adoption

Environment problem Human acitivities are supposed to the primary source of global warming, especially emitting too much CO2 in the production of electricity. Atmospheric CO2 levels have risen 30 percent in the last 150 years, with half of that rise occurring only in the last three decades. In far-reaching future, if we don't find proper solution, our lives will be critically threatened. Luckily, LED lighting revolution has the potential to change the future of global lighting without polluting the environment. Additionally, with the help of Terawatt, people needn't concern much about the price to buy LEDs any more. About Terawatt Terawatt is a patent-pending, renewable energy blockchain startup focusing on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Besides, Terawatt will create a DAO, and also a deflationary Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) token for global transactions. Terawatt will also act as both a funding bank, payment currency, and...